Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Architecture Is Only Bounded by the Human Mind

Certain things cannot be traced back to their origins. People find it easy to label their origins of such fields to exist as “since man came into existence”. Architecture is one such field which falls under such a label. There is no definition to it, nor can its discovery or invention can be dated. This is such a creative field that one can only grow it and make as vaster as they want. You cannot say that architecture only came into existence after certain level of civilization. People living in caves and in the wilderness also designed their habitat in such a way that they were comfortable in it. You can relate an igloo to architecture as well.

While such structures are just for mere survival, there are some which are made out of competition or luxury. One of the most famous competitions among buildings is not about their beauty but their height. The reason behind it can be the fact that beauty cannot be calibrated and height can be. Man continues to show the marvels of architecture and builds sky scrapers taller and taller. There was once a time when Empire States building used to be a definition of sky scrapers. However, these days, its height (1,250 ft), is not that much of a competition when you compare it with other tall buildings. With a height of over 2,000 ft, Burj Dubai, also known as Burj Khalifa, is the tallest building standing today.

Thanks to the design and creativity of architects, building such tall structures became possible. It seems that the creative mind of an architect can manipulate a building according to the dreams of a person. However, just like everything else in this world, the art of architecture is not always perfect. To construct such tall buildings their lifespan had to suffer. This is exactly what is happening to structures these days. In older times, the structures used to be made out of masonry. To reach the skies, architects had to let go of the stone and find a lighter alternative. This does not mean that these tall buildings are not safe. These building would just not be able to share the glorious and long life of old structures like The Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, Pyramids of Egypt, Coliseum (also known as colosseum) and etc. The secret of such extra ordinary lifespan of these amazing structures lie in their architectural design.

It is up to an architect to design a suitable structure and select the best possible material to build that structure. This also includes the method of preparation of the structure as well. Masonry is the art which gives these old buildings such extra ordinary life. It is the oldest method of making any structure, even an igloo is made by using this method. Masonry involves usage of large blocks made of brick or concrete as the building blocks of a structure. In case of an igloo the same principles are applied but the blocks are made of ice. The skill of masonry is quite expensive these days because of its scarcity. The skill is also rare as there is much less demand for it. People prefer taller buildings to the stronger ones these days. However, in places where earthquakes are frequent, masonry is much needed.

If you think that masonry does not go under the heading of architecture then you are wrong. People usually think that such a building would not be beautiful hence it would not require any aid from the architect. Taj Mahal is the most beautiful example of masonry, so think before labeling masonry as non-architectural.

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