Friday, May 11, 2012

Net Zero Buildings

The fact that the world is facing regarding global warming is something we should really be aware of, and act about. This is why architects and engineers have really got their heads into creating green system that keep the environment from being damages when building houses. There are two main aspects that can damage the environment in a house. First of all, the construction process and the materials it might need. Normally, these materials damage the environment in the moment they are built. The other way a house can cause damages to nature is by the gas emissions, the electrical energy usage and the water waste there might be in it. These are the most important areas to cover. A house that keeps these three things controlled is considered to be a green house.

These systems are not only available to be used and applied in houses, but also in any kind of building. The newest system is called Net-Zero energy generation. This system basically manages the spaces, materials and electrical installation to make the building self-supplied when it comes to energy. This means that it will have no external energy source like any other house or building there is. People normally think that this is made by only using a solar panel. However, solar panels have a great disadvantage. They only work if they are supplied by the sun. During the winter, when people see no sun for entire weeks, it is important to have side systems.

Net zero buildings have special floors for example. These floors generate energy out of the friction caused by shoes of people walking over it. This is ideal for buildings that have a lot of people movement. Of course, net zero buildings use solar panels as well, and they also have hidden mills that generate energy from wind. This leaves us with the fact that these buildings are almost a 100% auto sustainable when it comes to energy. The nice thing about NetZero is that companies are interested in adding these systems to their buildings because they would save money on energy as they wouldn’t have to pay for it anymore. This invites people to adopt the new technology. There are some green systems out there that really don’t offer any kind of benefit for the buyer. A very low percentage of people are interested in investing money for the world sadly. So if a system is not attractive to companies, there is no way it will help the environment ever.

Today, architects and engineers are joining this idea with the “green” buildings. These buildings are created with materials that cause minimal damage to the world in their creation and existence. Some of them are more expensive than traditional ones, and some are cheaper. However, specialists are working very hard in making them 100% efficient so that people will be more interested in getting them. In the moment they actually achieve this, there will be Net Zero buildings that will also be green. This way, houses and other buildings will no longer damage the earth as they do today. It will take a long time until a good number of constructions start using this systems. However, it is totally necessary take care of the environment, or what’s left of it, now that we still can do it.

There is definitely no doubt that there will be hundreds of more ideas on this niche. More architects are adding to teams that research about these things every day. A green-building era is approaching to us and it is something to really adopt and take advantage of.

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