Monday, March 12, 2012

Tips for Becoming an Architect

 It is certainly hard to find a job that fits all of our specific needs. This is not truth only in architecture, but in about any other career. Jobs are normally not what we want, or not what we were looking for exactly. There are always factors like payment and working hours that can make a job not totally pleasant. The best way to actually start as an architect is asking around your area’s architect firms. One of them might need a fresh starter. Always present yourself as a person with fresh ideas and a lot of talent on what you do. Make sure you have some samples of drawings and your design that really reflect your ideas and personality. Make sure you carry a good amount of copies of your resume with you. Remember that those firms that don’t need architects in the moment might need them later. This way your name will become a little more famous in the industry.

Make sure that you get your degree, and your title very nicely ordered. No company is interested in hiring anyone out of the street just because they can make a couple of nice drawings. Any serious firm will want to test you and make sure you fit all their needs as well as their style. It is certainly hard to enter in one big firm as a fresh starter. This is why it is important to look for the best opportunity, but never reject a little firm that opens its doors. The best way to start is from the bottom. So then you will have the chance to know some bigger architects who, after knowing you, can hire you for their projects.

Remember that little firms are normally a lot nicer to work with than huge companies. This is a reality in almost all careers. In big companies, an employee is nothing more than a number that produces some other numbers in the computer. It is hard to break into offices to talk to your boss and get his or her help in something. However, in small companies, you might be one of the 5 or 10 architects working, which gives you a great chance to get along with your superiors. This is why small companies open their doors to fresh starters. They know that architects that have just graduated are totally willing to do their best and make strong efforts. That’s the kind of people that can work in a small company. Older architects might seem to work a little more calmly and not make such a great effort.

Remember that not all architects firms that need workers will make it public, or place an advertising outside that says “Architects needed”. It is your call to stop by and kindly offer your services to the person in charge. Never leave your information or request in the secretary’s desk. Make sure you try to take it to the highest level superior you can. This way you ensure that the one in charge will get to read your proposal, and maybe think about it. Never let the situation let you down. It is proven that 1 of every 10 firms consider their job proposals. However, they normally save interesting resumes in order to have people for later projects. This is why you will leave a copy of your resume, and some samples of your work. If you are good, and your school is well recognized, it is almost for sure that you will get a job even faster than you think. However, the most important thing to do is move and visit as much firms as possible.

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