Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tips Into Architecture Developed

At first, structures were constructed for mere survival. Though there was no beauty in the design but there was some purpose to the specifics of a structure. It is not just man who resides on structures for survival, animal use such methods as well. You all would be familiar with the beaver; it constructs a dam and secures the surroundings of its habitat by the water. Looks are important but they do not summarize the vast field of architecture. No matter how unattractive a structure might be, there is a reason for its outlook. There is no exact date from which the field of architectural designs started. However, from studies it has been found that first structures which included architectural design with respect to beauty were the worshiping places.

The culture and religion of a place have a major role in the type of architectural structures present there. The geography of a place also plays an important role in the types of buildings present in a location. Architecture is no less than science these days. These days all a person has to do is think up of a design. The rest of the work is done by the architects, to make it all possible. The development of skills of an architect can easily be seen due to the structures present today. Huge bridges, tall buildings, strong buildings etc. all of these are present thanks to the creativity of architects.

This field is not just restricted to structures. In every field, in every product which you see today, architects have played a role in it. It all depends on which type of education you have gained. For instance a person, who can design the body of a car, cannot design the structure of a sky scraper. The engineers are taught to construct their work under given limitations of design. Reason for this is that, no product can be constructed, unless or until there is a proper design for it. As far as cars are concerned, well you might not know but the engine is not the only thing which makes a car go fast. If that would be the case then a truck would surely be faster than a car. The aerodynamics of a body and the weight of the body are all the works of a certain architect.

Whenever a person thinks about architecture, they relate its origin to be from Greeks. This would not be an entirely wrong assumption. Greeks were a far more advanced race in the older times. They used to see architecture as an art and constructed beautiful buildings with symmetry and white marble. Some people think that the Romans were the pioneers; however, you can see that much of the roman architecture is influenced by that of the Greeks. Just take a look at the arches. The curves and arches have been enhanced, but the origin of the inspiration still remains to be the Greeks.

Taking a look at the wonders of the world would explain the influence of cultures on the architecture of structures. It might surprise you to know that the Americans have not been this much advanced in the field of architecture. This has been mainly because they are much more business minded. If you look at their history you would find that they have been an industrial state. Hence, it is again proved that the structures are affected by the cultures of a place.

In short, the development in architecture has been, and is, going on. However, the types of developments have been different due the certain factors, which are mentioned above.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Graduated as an Best Architect

Today, architects are very well known for designing mind-blowing structures and making them look exactly as they want. However, some people don’t know that architects also have to look after the building’s functionality, safety and efficiency. These are aspects that can’t be wrong in a structure, even if the layout is perfect. This means that architects require two main kinds of skills. They need to be very creative but also analytic. In most of all countries, architects have to obtain a license to work after they have graduated. In order to obtain this license they need to prove that they count with these two skills. If an architect doesn’t have this license, it will be too hard to get a job.

Architects study a lot more than just design in college. The career consists of 5 years of study and that carries a wide variety of subjects inside. Subjects like: history, law, technology, management, IT and of course, design. This means that the student will gain numerical knowledge, as well as management and computer skills. This is the reason why a over a twenty percent of all architects are self employed. They have enough managing knowledge to carry on with their own business.

After being graduated you should know that most of all architecture jobs are directed to pure architecture projects. Not many architects are hired in government projects or residential firms anymore, and the rest are self-employed. Being self-employed seems to work very well for architects. However it takes a different initiative than being employed does.

There are many types of architecture careers. Licensed architects can opt to work in almost any project as they are the most required and hired. It is imperative to be licensed then. A very low percentage of all jobs accept unlicensed architects, and they are not very well paid. So it can be said that the first thing to do after graduating is obtaining a license and getting verified. Then you can start opting for several jobs that may include:

  1. Discussion of budget: Having a project analyzed and taking care of its prices. This is the only way to calculate the final price for a project.
  2. Pre-designing: some clients look for simple designs that they might use to gain an idea of what they want. For this they need an architect.
  3. Final Designing: After a pre-design has been approved by a client, and all the ideas and objectives are clear in a project, it is time to create the final design. In the final design, the client and the architect reach an agreement about prices, styles, and time in which the structure will
  4. Final Designing: After a pre-design has been approved by a client, and all the ideas and objectives are clear in a project, it is time to create the final design. In the final design, the client and the architect reach an agreement about prices, styles, and time in which the structure will be finished. If there is an agreement, the architect goes on and starts with the final design which is normally paid in advance.
  5. These are the most common architectural jobs found today. However there are some unique cases in which an architect can find jobs for campus reconstruction, plan corrections, building inspectors, codes consultant, landscaping, graphic designing, etc.

The only reason why an architect can opt for so many jobs is because the career includes studies for all of them. Architecture has a very constant work flow. In most of all countries, an architect is considered a good designer, manager and structure maker.

So as a just graduated architect, you should not be worried about not finding a job. However, it is important to get a license and start completing jobs that will generate experience and fame. Some of the first jobs that you will be completing might not be the highest paying, but they are a great place to start as an architect.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Architecture vs. Engineering

 As human beings, our instinctive need forces us to find safe ways to live and shelter. Psychological studies unveil that this is caused by a survival method. Our number one priority as living things is to remain safe and far away from any significant danger. In very early times, we had to deal with rain, snow, extreme heat and other climate conditions. We had no access to any solid shelter or a way to completely be protected from all these things. However, our response to this situation was to create stronger houses. Houses were made out of wood, leaves, and mostly plants. Thousands of years later, we started a period known as the stone era. In this period of time we were able to build structures with stone. It was easy to see how stone was a lot stronger than wood when it came to rain and wind. Also, rocks remained fresh during very hot climates. Wood, in the other hand, tended to start fires when it was too hot. Little by little we started discovering different new technologies that were helpful for our ways of living. A long time later, we started using various mixtures that worked as a pasting material between rocks more efficiently. This was the principle of cement. As our chemical technology became more advanced, so did our architecture.

About 100 years ago, buildings were already all over cities. Also, it was easy to see that they were many stories in each building. No one was creating single story projects anymore. People was able to see that our technology and knowledge allowed us then to finally make bigger things and take more advantage of the space we used.

The truth is that we have never been independent from our contexts and what surrounds us. Of course, we lived as nomads for some time, and that was the reason why a strong existential instability came to us in that time. However, the more we accept our need for shelter, the better we can start using our knowledge to improve our way of living.

Today, structures are mostly built by two groups of professionals; engineers and architects. There are a lot of persons that are not clear about the difference between these two. Some say that architects only take care of the design; others say that engineers only revise designs and approve them. However, they are both very necessary, especially when it comes to today’s modern structures.

Architects are directly specialized in creating a functional, efficient area that not only looks well, but also accomplishes al its objectives. So they are not just about designing layouts, but also taking care of every little aspect that makes a structure actually work. What do engineers do then?

Well, in most of all countries, engineers take care of the pure scientific aspect of a project. By this I mean all the calculations, measurements and safety measurements that building a structure can require. Most of all engineers are also able to design very competitive layouts and complete several architecture jobs. However, architects are normally not 100% capable of creating designs as exact as n engineer would. Obviously, engineers receive several courses that an architect never gets to learn such as physics, more math and others.

What advantages does architecture has over engineering? Well architecture is a lot more artistic, and the career itself is oriented to an artistic direction. Architects also take management courses that make them capable of completing several managing jobs as well. Architects can be hired as graphic designers or other artistic jobs differently from engineers whose labor is purely scientific.